Insurance Not Providing Breast Pump – Premera WA but live in MS

Hi all,

I'm currently covered by Premera WA, but live in MS due to my company being remote first. It's a large company with 50,000+ employees and atleast 2,000 spread across different states. I believe Premera contracts with local Blue Cross Blue Shield to provide local coverage, but I'm not super familiar.

I need a breast pump, and my understanding is insurance is required to provide a free one. Premera recommends 3 vendors on their website, but all 3 denied me saying they werent contracted in MS (Aeroflow, YummyMummy, and Pumping Essentials)

I spent over an hour on the phone with 2 different Premera reps and they eventually led me to Byram Health and said I would be covered. I put in an order and then Byram called me and said Premera denied the claim because I'm in MS.

What are my next options? Premera seems like no help at all in finding someone to cover me. Isn't is an ACA requirement that they provide me with a breast pump?

Thanks in advance. This has been a headache 😓

submitted by /u/aes421

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