Need some help understanding this policy

Need some help understanding this policy

So this isn’t my life insurance but my Mom’s and I just want to make sure I understand it. It’s be great if someone can help me out.

So she got this Custom Whole life insurance from New York Life. I’ve attached the document given. To me it looks like she has to pay $29,390 for 15 years for a total of $440,852 in that span. Afterwards she doesn’t have to pay any premiums. If she passes away she or I guess I get the corresponding amount in the death benefit column?

So where I need clarification is:

Even though she is only paying for 15 years this insurance covers her whole life right? As the name implies and isn’t some term insurance?

I understand that the death benefit is likely increasing over time because they are investing the cash value of her money into the stock market. But I read that when you have whole insurance your beneficiary doesn’t get the cash value only the initial agreed upon death benefit which is $1 mil here.

What’s the worst that can happen with this. From what I can see she pays ~440k and worst case no matter when she passes she will at least get the $1 mil death benefit right?

What are the 2 surrender value columns? I understand the surrender value is the money she gets back if she cancels the insurance but it’s a bit confusing.

Thanks for any help and clarifications.

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