How to become a successful leader –GTS’s William Lewis

How to become a successful leader –GTS's William Lewis

The Insurance Business Australia (IB) Hot List represents the best of the best in the Australian insurance industry – and William Lewis is one of this year’s 50 winners.

Lewis is the head of APAC for Liberty Global Transaction Solutions (GTS), a Liberty Mutual (Liberty)-backed business. He joined Liberty from Allen & Overy in early 2013 to establish the Australian office and the mergers and acquisitions and tax offering.

Under Lewis’s leadership, the Liberty GTS APAC business has shown consistent bottom-line profitability and has become a leading transaction liability insurer within Asia Pacific.

The secret to William Lewis’ success as a leader

Innovation, growing out new markets, and developing new products have been a key part of liberty GTS’s success under Lewis’s leadership.

In an interview with IB, Lewis said his secret to becoming one of “the best of the best” leaders in the insurance industry is acquiring a wealth of experience working in different markets.

“The experience I’ve gained working in different countries with different people and different organisations definitely helps me to bring a different perspective and understanding to the business,” he said. “I think that as a business, we should always make sure we are adding value to our clients and that we are doing the right thing while being ourselves and encouraging others to be themselves.”

Lewis is widely known for focusing on the best outcome for clients and their transactions while never losing sight of the need for a sustainable business.

Learn more about Lewis and the rest of this year’s best insurance professionals by reading the IB Hot List 2023 report.

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