Colonoscopy anesthesia was denied coverage but everything else was covered

Basically the title. I (m28) just had a question though. I'm currently between jobs at the moment (technically I'm working as an amazon delivery driver until I can find something else). 85281 is my zipcode.

They filed the anesthesia under ASA billing codes or something like that and they say I owe $2,800 for it. I haven't paid it at all but am trying to fight it now. I'm no longer on that insurance since it ended in August of last year but I'm trying to get that taken care of. Is there any advice or steps I can take to minify the cost so to speak?

Isn't there a federal law that you can't be billed the balance after January 1st of 2022 if it's out-of-network? For reference my procedure was covered and was in network but since the code was 'out-of-network' for the anesthesia does that still apply?

EDIT: I had student health insurance through my university that started on Jan 1st I believe.

submitted by /u/Beware_the_Moon_Leo

See also  Lo nuevo y lo que debes tener en cuenta en el próximo período de inscripción abierta de ACA