Insured for the moment but can’t use insurance… I have so many questions for the future

United States, 25.

I’m currently “covered” through my parents, but there are copays I simply cannot afford. Too many times my parents have assured me they would cover the copay and left me holding the bag. I’m on a very tight budget finishing my undergraduate degree, which they’ve also broken promises for (FAFSA and co-signing). Also super cool is that we removed our dental insurance and I didn’t find out until after my appointment and conveniently couldn’t get through to either parent— put it on a credit card. (They have plenty of money, they just don’t believe I’m as poor as I am and their biggest concern is that I don’t have a trendy haircut and highlights, as if I could afford that).

So I’ve got some stuff I really need to look into (desperately need a tooth cleaning, remove wisdom teeth, orthodontia, and painful flaring calcium deposits) and I’m graduating in May. After I turn 26 and get kicked off this useless (to me) plan. I’m really scared to try to figure out health insurance as I look for jobs. My only experience is exorbitant copays on top of the regular insurance fees, and don’t even get started on dental or eye coverage. For context, my father takes very expensive medication every day, and we have Blue Cross Blue Shield.

I’m incredibly scared to attempt to earn a certain salary and get blindsided by copays resembling what my family has abandoned me with before. I’m so tired of living off credit while simultaneously avoiding any further medical care and cutting corners, not having any life whatsoever, and working hard labor resulting in worse health.

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I know it’s America. But can someone give me a bit of hope that it gets better.

And no, I cannot afford to get myself covered by a $100 per month plan right now. At all. I’m in over my head with paying previous copays on credit cards and anything I can squeeze out of my budget goes immediately to that. Right now I consider buying an extra loaf of bread to have toast as a snack to be a treat. Due to increases in utilities I’ve stopped using my dryer and my house is 54 degrees F. I cannot afford to get my own reduced plan, at all. I’m asking more for what I should keep in mind so hopefully I can begin to use reasonable medical care by June, when I begin working professionally.