CSFTL Basics: Using our Materials

Car Seats For The Littles

(Last Updated On: January 25, 2023)

We love to share!  Education is our primary mission so we’re always open to agencies, individuals, or organizations using our content and our images for educational purposes – as long as the CSFTL watermark is left intact, the image is unchanged, and we are given credit as the source for the image.

Each of the images on www.csftl.org is original, all were taken by members of our team and are inherently the property of CSFTL.  The children in the pictures that we share are, in many cases, our own team’s children.  Permission to use those images was granted to CSFTL, not to third parties who want to remove the CSFTL affiliation and repurpose them.

Educators are welcome to share any of our articles or images but we require that the image not be altered in any way, our watermark remain clearly visible, and that the post or article gives credit to CSFTL in the accompanying text.  Here is a guide on how to do this:

CSFTL using our images

Learn more about using copyrighted materials.

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