3 New Year's Resolutions for Small Businesses

3 New Year's Resolutions for Small Businesses

2023 is almost upon us, along with the long-held tradition of New Year’s resolutions. For individuals, after a season of parties, food, holiday cookies, cakes, and drinks, resolutions about losing weight are a common theme – but what about small business owners? 

The New Year is the ideal time to set goals for the year, establish a workable plan to achieve those goals, and evaluate the current performance of your business.

Business Goal Setting for 2023

Small business owners are typically deeply involved in every facet of the operation, including hiring, sales, delivery, and financial planning. The COVID pandemic seriously impacted small businesses throughout the country, even with government help. 

Layoffs, cutbacks, and budget trimming may have been the only way to survive. Other small businesses, particularly those that could continue to operate, or provide essential services, may have done well. With the pandemic fading, now is the time to plan for a profitable year. Rather than continuing with “business as usual,” the New Year is the ideal time to review the past year’s production and plan for the new. Three of the most important New Years’ resolutions for small business owners include:

Review your Marketing Spend.

Most small businesses invest in marketing but may not take the time to determine what worked, and what didn’t. If you use a marketing firm, whether online, traditional, or both, most companies offer analytics that can tell you much about where your customers are coming from. Once this is determined, you can “mine” that area more deeply in the coming year. Marketing initiatives that have not increased sales can be canceled, with the money dedicated to programs that are bringing in customers or clients. 

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Evaluate Your Online Presence.

Many small businesses have a website but may not have paid much attention to it over the years and may not realize it could be an untapped goldmine. Your potential customers are out there, and if they can’t find you, they will go somewhere else. It may be time for a site redesign, and an online marketing plan, built around your available budget. 

Review your Business Insurance Policies.

Your business insurances are an investment every small business needs. A business changes year to year, and so do the business insurance coverages you need – and new programs may be available on the market. Take the time for a full review of your policies and coverages. Meet with a local business insurance agency to look over all your policies to ensure your business – and your years of dedication and hard work – are protected, and at the best rates.

Types of Business Insurance – What Do Your Business Really Need?

Every business has unique insurance needs. Depending on what you deliver to your customers, clients, or patients, you may need specific coverages. Some of the options include:

General liability insurance
Product liability insurance
Professional liability insurance
Commercial property insurance
Professional liability insurance
Workers’ compensation insurance
Cyber insurance
Umbrella insurance
Commercial auto insurance
Home-based business insurance
Business owners policies
Employment practices insurance


The basic minimum coverage for small businesses is general liability insurance, which covers your operation for issues such as bodily injury, property damage, claims of false advertising, and other risks. These policies vary in price and policy limits, and it is possible that you could find better coverage at a lower rate. Take advantage of the start of the New Year and meet with a local business insurance agent to review your coverage and find the best deals now available – your company’s survival is important to you, your employees, and the community at large, and deserves to be protected.

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