JLT wins NSW Supreme Court class action

JLT wins NSW Supreme Court class action

JLT wins NSW Supreme Court class action

19 December 2022

The NSW Supreme Court has found in favour of JLT in a class action launched over local government insurance mutuals.

Justice Kate Williams, who had heard evidence for almost a month before reserving her decision more than a year ago, said in court this afternoon that the plantiff’s claims for relief should be dismissed.

“For the reasons I now publish each of the plantiff’s three causes of action fail,” she said.

A spokesperson for JLT, which is now part of Marsh McLennan said the firm was pleased the court had ruled in its favour.

“JLT has always stated that it would vigorously defend its position in the class action as we strongly believed that the allegations were misconceived,” the spokesperson told insuranceNEWS.com.au. “We are currently in the process of reviewing the judgment in detail.”

Richmond Valley Council began the NSW Supreme Court action on behalf of a number of councils in 2018, alleging JLT breached its broker duties and arranged cover “at less advantageous rates than were available”.

JLT says it didn’t act as an insurance broker for the group and “when fairly looked at” cover arranged was not less advantageous and councils suffered no loss or damage.

A spokesperson for law firm Quinn Emanuel, which acted for Richmond Valley Council, says the lengthy judgment is being considered, and the clients will be taking advice in terms of next steps, including whether to appeal.

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