Benefit offerings of the future will blend digital and human-powered solutions

Benefit offerings of the future will blend digital and human-powered solutions

When business and HR leaders look for new benefit offerings to support the health and well-being of their employees, one saying holds true: there’s probably an app for that. There is no doubt that technology helps solve countless challenges for employees both in the workplace and at home.

What must not be overlooked, however, is that much of the technology we rely on daily — like web conferencing, intranets and social media — is focused on enabling human connection. This focus on technology that enables human connection should also be applied to employee benefit offerings.

Think about some of the most pressing challenges employees face: caregiving, financial wellnes, mental and physical health conditions. These challenges are incredibly complex, and employees are still left navigating these challenges alone even with the support of digital solutions.

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According to Deloitte, a quarter of consumers are overwhelmed by the devices and subscriptions they need to manage. Now consider how a telemedicine app, mental health subscription, wellness tracking program and other platforms leave your employees swimming in technology. At the end of the day, we want employees to utilize these offerings, but before adding on a shiny new digital solution, take a step back and consider how each solution might enable human connection when employees need it most.

As a first step, consider what your workforce looks like and what their technology and communication preferences might be. For example, does your company have a slightly older workforce, where you may need to consider having more human connection and face-to-face interactions when discussing benefits? Or do a good portion of the population fall in the working parents or sandwich generation buckets and may prefer a self-service model?

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In some cases, you may have an employee population that prefers to work independently, automate processes, and ensure all of their devices are connected. These technology-forward employees will likely favor a digital tool that they can tap into on their own time and do not mind connecting with bots or AI solutions. Even so, there are only so many late-night chat bots and googling sessions we can take before wishing we could just talk to a human about our issue.  

In other cases, employees may prefer having an up-front concierge solution where they are connecting with an expert individual who can guide them, help walk through their options and answer any questions they may have in real time.

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If you’re not sure where your workforce falls on this spectrum, employee surveys and pulse checks from HR teams can provide invaluable insight and show employees that the company is deeply invested in ensuring they feel supported in HR and benefits-related matters. Asking how employees prefer to digest their benefits, interact with their insurance companies or other partners, and utilize the offerings can help guide your decision making.

Ultimately, companies want employees to utilize the benefits offered, and not everyone wants just another app to download or platform to log into. As with a hybrid work model that many companies are adopting, a blended digital and human-powered approach to benefit offerings is the solution that truly meets employees where they are. Consider looking for benefit partners and solutions that take this blended approach.

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As we continue to live in the Great Resignation and quiet-quitting eras, companies who listen to employees’ needs and customize offerings or solutions to meet those needs can expect higher employee engagement and utilization of benefits or other company offerings.