Labcorp was overpaid (over contracted fee) and double paid by my VISA and my HRA , how to start to address this?

I have an HRA which automatically pays my co-pay and deductible amounts. They pay it separate so I am always billed by the provider, but it usually has been issued before I even receive the bill.

This time there were the usual annual tests and one item was for a PSA test. They billed $110 for the PSA and it wasn’t reduced to contracted fee because the insurance apparently didn’t cover it. If it’s not covered the contracted fee apparently isn’t applied. That is problem #1, because it should have been covered but was probably coded wrong or something. I have a feeling they will probably allow about $20 thru insurance (BS/BS). They covered it in June 2021 under code 84153- $17.66. Same code this year in October…but a different provider ordered it I think, so it may need a dif dx code??

Labcorp demanded a credit card when hubby went for the test. As soon as the payment for the covered amount was received they charged the card the $110 for the PSA. Next, my insurer paid them the $110 out of my HRA. Labcorp now has $220 for the one test, and the test should have been covered with a pay rate of about $25. It needs to be resubmitted.

DoI call labcorp first, or the provider? Does Lapcorp reimburse us the $110 and send the insurance part back to them? Not sure which way makes sense to call here…

This insurance ends on 12/31 and the HRA ends with it. (employer plan, the hsa is use it or lose it)

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