Online Car Retailers Are Struggling; Vroom Reports $50 Million Loss This Quarter

Online Car Retailers Are Struggling; Vroom Reports $50 Million Loss This Quarter

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After riding the high of a constrained auto market that drove people to purchase used vehicles, or sell their used cars at an insane profit, the bottom has fallen out, and online retailers are getting hit hard with losses. First, Carvana reports a half-billion dollar loss, and now, Automotive News reports that Vroom is taking on a few million dollars in losses as well. Of course, Vroom’s losses are much less than Carvana’s, but they are still losses nonetheless.

For the third quarter, ending September 30, Vroom recorded net losses of $51.1 million. While any recorded loss is tough to swallow, it’s not so bad when you compare these numbers to previous quarters. At this same time last year, Vroom recorded a loss of nearly $100 million ($98.1 million). The first two quarters of 2022 were even worse, with the company losing a combined $425.6 million. Revenue is down as well, some 64 percent to $340.8 million. It likely can be linked to the fact that the company is selling fewer cars. This time last year, the company reported 19,683 used cars through Q3 2021. That number has dropped to just 6,428.

The third quarter also saw Vroom trimming the fat. The company restructured its logistics network and cut staff in its customer service and logistics areas. It also closed an office in Houston. It’s not all bad news though. The company said its profit per vehicle rose 64 percent to $4,206.

While online car retailers were looking like the next big thing in auto sales, the good times may be coming to an end for them. As the used car market starts trending downward we may start to see just how profitable these online retailers really are.

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