IAG announces board exit

IAG announces board exit

Sheila McGregor will step down from her role on Insurance Australia Group’s (IAG) board of directors, effective at the IAG 2022 annual general meeting’s (AGM) conclusion on October 21, 2022.

McGregor is currently an independent non-executive director on IAG’s board. She will exit the board as she transitions from a part-time commitment to an expanded partner role at law firm Gilbert + Tobin, leading its tech + IP team.

IAG chairman Tom Pockett thanked McGregor’s contribution to the board and the various committees she was a part of since her appointment in March 2018.

“The board has benefited greatly from Sheila’s deep legal expertise in regulatory affairs and governance and commercial and technology matters. We thank Sheila for her commitment to IAG over the past four and a half years and wish her the very best in her continuing role at Gilbert + Tobin,” Pockett said.

IAG is currently focused on making a board overhaul and making appointments that will expand the depth and breadth of director skills and experience. Early this year, the board already commenced a search process to identify a potential pipeline for future board appointments, focusing on female directors.

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