hello, i have a misunderstanding how insurance works. to boil it down i had had anthem blue cross until i turned 26 and then later qualified for medi-cal(california medicaid), with the choice of blue cross again, that was 2020 and was i allowed to keep my medi-cal in 2021 I think due to the pandemic but told supportthat they could take me off as soon as they could since i was getting a job. so support said that i would be allowed to use it until 2022. now the issue was that i actually felt the need to use it shortly afterwords because i developed some bad reflux and went to urgent care because i thought they could just figure out why fairly quickly, i wasn't very smart about that but then they said i also couldn't use the medi-cal because i had pre exsisting blue cross insurance, i asked them how i could settle that since i never actually got my card from the previous blue cross, which i know sounds stupid but i never did, i got a print out of my dads card to take to a doctors, that despite all odds got me help when i needed it, they said call blue cross

so thats the gist of it, while i need insurance, im also going to an interview tomorrow for different job so i don't think im going to qualify for medi-cal and i probably don't get benefits, but im having doubts about actually getting any help from customer support about finding out why i have bluecross that was supposed to expire when i was 26 since theres no paper work, im only asking because i get the feeling despite not using the medi-cal for anything more then i could pay that this probably has legal rammifications and i am not wanting to wait until i have a real medical emergency to try to pass this through

See also  Can my fiancé get Medi-cal without issues?

i am not very good about common sense so if this sounds easily fixable it i just wanted to say sorry as I wasn't trying to waste time

submitted by /u/Pretend-Way6806