Live Well, Work Well – June 2022

Tips for Getting Good Sleep

To function at your best, it’s imperative to be rested. Unfortunately, it’s not uncommon for people to struggle to get a good night’s rest. Whether you have issues with waking up in the middle of the night or find it difficult to fall asleep in the first place, you must take sleep problems seriously.

When people are not rested, it can lead to a variety of health issues, including increased risk of stress, depression and anxiety. In addition, according to the NHS, long-term sleep problems can lead to:

Feeling like your relationships are struggling
Having difficulty maintaining a social life
Feeling hungrier and snacking more
Struggling with everyday tasks
Feeling tired during the day

Fortunately, there are several ways for you to attempt to alleviate issues with sleep and get better rest. Consider the following:

Create a restful environment. Try to make your bedroom as comfortable for sleeping as possible. Specifically, this could include investing in a good bed and proper bedclothes. It’s also important to be able to control noise levels, lighting and the temperature.
Establish a routine. Set a schedule and stick to it. By going to bed and getting up at the same time every day, you will be able to improve the quality of your rest while also making it easier to both fall asleep and wake up.
Get active. Exercising during the day can greatly improve your sleep. However, think about when to schedule your workouts. Intense physical activity close to bedtime may make it more difficult to fall asleep.
Avoid technology. Keep televisions and computers in other rooms, and avoid using your phone within an hour of going to bed. These screens emit light that can suppress melatonin, a hormone that helps regulate sleep patterns.
Consider your diet. Avoid consuming caffeine in the afternoon or evening, as this substance can keep you awake. Spicy and sugary foods may also make it more difficult to sleep. Furthermore, avoid drinking alcohol before bed. While alcohol consumption may help some people fall asleep initially, it can disrupt sleep patterns later in the night.

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Visit the NHS website to learn more about sleep problems and how to solve them.


How to Donate Blood Safely and Efficiently 

Every 14th June, the World Health Organization (WHO) leads World Blood Donor Day. This global initiative focuses on raising awareness about the need for safe blood and blood products.

According to the NHS, there are already 1.3 million registered blood donors in the UK. However, approximately 135,000 new donors are needed every year to ensure adequate amounts of blood groups and meet patient needs.

Consider the following steps to ensure your health and safety and help donation workers perform their duties efficiently:

Be aware. Ensure you are eligible to donate. Certain restrictions may apply based on health, current medications or recent travel.
Get enough sleep. Try to get at least seven to nine hours of sleep the night before donating to avoid feeling unwell during the process.
Eat and drink. Eat regularly prior to donating to keep blood sugar levels stable. Make sure to hydrate well in the preceding days.
Reconsider exercising. Avoid vigorous exercise or heavy lifting on the day of your donation.
Think about attire. To help workers keep to their schedules, wear clothes that allow access to veins. Sleeves should be able to be rolled up past your elbow.
Bring a distraction. Many people may feel nervous about donating blood. Consider bringing a friend, book or music to distract you.

Visit the WHO’s website to learn more about World Blood Donor Day.


Celebrate Diabetes Week and Understand Type 2

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From 13-19 June, Diabetes UK will lead Diabetes Week 2022. This initiative raises awareness about diabetes and celebrates those living with it. While the exact cause of type 1 diabetes is unknown, the risk of developing type 2 diabetes—which represents approximately 90% of cases among UK adults—can be influenced by the following factors:

Diet—Limiting the intake of sugar, processed foods and refined carbs can reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.
Weight—People who maintain a healthy weight and exercise regularly may also have a better chance of preventing diabetes.
Smoking—Both smoking and being exposed to second-hand smoke can increase a person’s chance of developing diabetes.

Visit Diabetes UK’s website for more information about Diabetes Week.

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