David Hullin to take charge of international Industrial Lines division of Talanx Group outside of Germany

David Hullin to take charge of international Industrial Lines division of Talanx Group outside of Germany

Jens Wohlthat retires at the end of September 2022

Andreas Luberichs steps down from the Board of Management at the end of June, to devote himself to new challenges

At the end of September 2022, HDI Global Board Member Jens Wohlthat will retire and hand over his functions to David Hullin. Hullin will then be responsible for the entire business of the Industrial Lines division of the Talanx Group outside Germany. Previously, Hullin was responsible for Continental Europe, North and South America, the United Kingdom and Ireland, while Wohlthat’s area of responsibility covered the regions Asia-Pacific, Africa and the Global Network. Wohlthat will continue to remain available to HDI Global in an advisory capacity. Furthermore, after successful restructuring of the organisation in Germany with profitable growth, Andreas Luberichs will step down from the Management Board of HDI Global SE by mutual agreement on 30 June 2022 in order to devote himself to new challenges.

“Jens Wohlthat, one of the leading experts in the international insurance industry, is going to retire. I should like to thank him most warmly for the successful expansion of the international markets. I would also like to wish him lots of enjoyment and all the best for the next stage in his life. David Hullin has a wealth of international experience and he is the ideal successor to Jens Wohlthat. He is not only familiar with the insurance business and international markets, he also knows how to conduct strategic development of profitable organic and inorganic growth. I would also like to extend my thanks to Andreas Luberichs for his successful work, particularly for the sustainable restructuring of the organisation in Germany of HDI Global SE,” commented Torsten Leue, Chairman of the Management Board of Talanx AG and Chairman of the Supervisory Board of HDI Global SE.

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Edgar Puls, Chairman of the Management Board of HDI Global SE: “Jens Wohlthat has enriched the Management Board over many years beyond the scope of his international experience with his incisive opinions with the highest personal commitment. I would like to give him my heartfelt thanks for his dedication and I am delighted that he will continue to support us on our journey with advice into the future. David Hullin [photo] will continue to drive forward our international growth. I wish him every success in his supplementary function. Andreas Luberichs is leaving us following completion of the transformation of the German organisation at HDI Global. I would like to thank Andreas Luberichs very much for his successful work and wish him all the best as he tackles his new challenges.”

Jens Wohlthat (64) grew up in South Africa and he has spent his entire professional career at HDI. He started out in 1980 as an apprentice at the HDI Head Office in Hannover before holding various positions in industrial insurance and foreign business. In 1996, he became Section Leader of Liability Foreign before joining the Management Board of HDI International Holding AG in 2002. Since 2006, the 64-year-old has been a Member of the Management Board of HDI Global SE. Under his aegis, the foreign share of HDI Global’s premium volume has risen to around 60 percent. Wohlthat successfully established and expanded the business in Latin America, North America, Australia and Asia. 

Since May 2019, David Hullin (53) has been a Member of the Management Board of HDI Global SE. Initially, he was responsible for the areas of Property, Engineering Insurance, Marine, Multi-Risk and the Europe division. Since the beginning of 2022, he has worked together with Jens Wohlthat looking after all international markets. He has 27 years of experience in reinsurance and in international primary insurance at the Talanx Group, for example in the International Retail division as manager for the region of Central and Eastern Europe.

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At the end of June, Andreas Luberichs (53) will step down from the Management Board of HDI Global SE by mutual agreement in order to devote himself to new challenges. Luberichs has successfully launched the new organisation for business in Germany and he will leave the Management Board after completing this time-limited transformation task. In future, Dr Barbara Klimaszewski-Blettner (photo) will be responsible for business in Germany. She has more than twelve years of experience in the insurance industry, including ten years in industrial insurance, and has held various positions including with Allianz Global Corporate Solutions. Currently, she heads the south-east region at HDI Global with the locations Munich, Nuremberg and Leipzig. As Managing Director below the Management Board, she will report to the Chairman of the Management Board of HDI Global SE, Dr Edgar Puls.

Authored by HDI Global