I Can't Stop Watching This Double Speedbump Launch Cars in the Air

I Can't Stop Watching This Double Speedbump Launch Cars in the Air

Bump n’ grind. Gif: Speed Bump Olympics

Every now and then, a bit of highway design catches the world’s attention for various reasons. In the past, we’ve enjoyed low bridges that attack passing trucks and a bollard in the UK had its five minutes of fame last year. Well now, let me introduce you to a set of speed bumps in California that deserves your attention.

But what’s so special about these speed bumps? Well, they’re a pair of 10-foot wide humps that are each five inches high and separated by just 10 feet. And, for whatever reason, drivers in Fresno, California, where the humps can be found don’t seem able to wrap their heads around the best way to negotiate the obstacles.

That has lead to a host of bumps, scrapes and shot suspension as various vehicles rocket over the humps. So much so that a TikTok account and YouTube channel have sprung up to document some of the most dramatic encounters.

We were enthralled by this latest traffic calming measure intent on destruction. So join us in celebrating 10 of the sketchiest encounters California’s drivers had with these notorious speed humps.

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