Is a B+ good on snapshot?

Is a B+ good on snapshot?

Snapshot user reviews suggest that getting an A rating is nearly impossible and can’t be maintained. A B+ rating with Progressive Snapshot means you only get a 1-15 percent discount, a C will get you no discount at all. Oct 13, 2021

Can snapshot tell if you’re speeding?

This monitoring program uses either an app on your smartphone or a small device you plug into your car. It can determine if you are engaged in unsafe practices, such as speeding or talking on the phone while driving. Feb 1, 2022

How do I increase my snapshot score?

Tips to maximize your Snapshot discount Limit hard brakes and accelerations. Go easy on the gas and avoid slamming your brakes. Avoid late night driving. Limit trips between 12-4 a.m. on weekends, as the roads can be more dangerous then. Stay off your phone.

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