What does AB mean for Progressive snapshot?

What does AB mean for Progressive snapshot?

Progressive Snapshot Review Summary With Progressive’s Snapshot, policyholders have a chance to earn up to a 30 percent discount off their car insurance premium with an A grade or a 1-15 percent discount with a grade of B. Mar 10, 2022

Does being on your phone affect snapshot?

If you’re using the mobile app, details about your handheld phone use behind the wheel will also be collected. While location data is collected as well, it doesn’t impact the Snapshot results you earn, but may be used for underwriting purposes.

How long does Snapshot Progressive last?

Register the app as soon as you can. If you enrolled when you bought your policy, you must register the app within 45 days or you’ll lose any Participation Discount. You’ll drive with Snapshot for a full policy period, which may be either six or 12 months (check your Policy Summary for details).

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