Do all insurance companies report to clue?
Do all insurance companies report to clue?
CLUE is a database run by LexisNexis that records up to seven years of claims information. More than 99% of auto insurance companies and 96% of home insurance companies report claims to CLUE, making it a valuable resource. Aug 17, 2021
Can I order my own CLUE report?
Under the federal Fair Credit Reporting Act, you can request a copy of your C.L.U.E. report from LexisNexis® toll free at 1-866-312-8076 or by visiting
How long does it take to claim on home insurance?
A home insurance claim can take between 48 hours to over a year to be settled, depending on a number of factors, such as the type of damage being claimed for and how many people are involved in the process.